CHASE Homeschool Group CHASE Homeschool Group CHASE Homeschool Group CHASE Homeschool Group CHASE Homeschool Group CHASE Homeschool Group

Welcome to C.H.A.S.E.

Welcome to C.H.A.S.E.

C.H.A.S.E. stands for Christian Homeschoolers Activity, Service and Enrichment. We are a Christian, parent-led homeschool group that values Christ-centered relationships, enrichment activities, and service opportunities for families with children aged nursery through high school.

Mission Statement

CHASE (Christian Homeschoolers Activity, Service & Enrichment) Home School Group aims to encourage and support Christian home schooling families by providing Christ-centered and Biblically-based Activity Days with enrichment classes, field trips, extension offerings and service opportunities.

Vision Statement

CHASE serves as an enrichment, rather than curriculum-driven, cooperative that implements: 

*Biblical integration throughout class offerings. 

*Fellowship opportunities for Christ-centered relationships to develop. 

*Christian values of service both locally and globally. 

Statement of Faith

All members of CHASE homeschool group are required to sign a statement indicating that they have read and are in agreement with our Statement of Faith which can be found at this link: Statement of Faith

Join Us!

Registration for the 2024- 2025 school year is now FULL for FullTime Membership.

Consider joining us as a social member  

Applications require approval. Are you considering CHASE, but would like to know more about our co-op before registering?  Consider attending an Open House held each school year in March.  At the Open House you and your children will observe a class and have the opportunity to meet and interact with CHASE members.

Cost of Registration

Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is currently full for FullTime Membership.    Please consider joining us in March for our open house or joining us throughout this year as a social member.

Social membership Registration: May 5- September 1, 2024; $50 per family.

(Closed)Returning Member Registration: May 5-19, 2024;  $300 per family.

(Closed)New Member Registration: May 20- June 6, 2024;  $350 per family.

Built into the registration cost is a $25 non-refundable fee to help with administrative costs.

Other Costs

  • The cost of optional field trips or special speakers/events is not covered by the Registration Fee.
  • Minimal curriculum fees are not included in the Registration Fee.

Social Membership

Can't commit to a full year of meetings? Consider our Social Membership option! Registration for social membership for the 2024-2025 school year will be open May 5th- September 1st, 2024.  This type of membership allows families to receive invitations to Social Activities Only, including field trips, service projects, field day, extensions with guest presentations and Tween/Teen Retreat. Cost is $50 per family per year. Email us at [email protected] for more information.

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Contact Us

[email protected]


What does a typical Activity Day look like?

CHASE Activity Days are held twice a month from September through May with a Field Day to wrap up the school year. Activity Day begins at 8:45 am and ends at 12:30 pm.  Your first stop is the Welcome Table where you and your children will pick up your name tags.  Infants through Preschool age children will go directly to their classrooms.  All age groups from 5 years and up will meet in the gym for our Opening Activities which begin promptly at 9 am and consist of pledges, devotion, and prayer.  From there, children grouped by age rotate through 4 classes lasting 45 min. each.  We dismiss classes at 12:30.   Occasionally, families stay for an optional Lunch Period from 12:30-1:30 pm.

What classes are offered at CHASE?

Classes offered vary, depending on the age of the child and the abilities of our volunteers.  Past year class offerings included:

Early Elementary (5 & 6 yr olds): Art, Music, Show & Tell, Gym & Creative Movement

Elementary Education (7-11 yrs): Art, Spanish, Health & Science, Public Speaking, Cooking, Gym.

Tween & Teen Track (12-18 yrs): Life Skills, Art, Gym, Cooking, Public Speaking, Science.

Where and when does CHASE meet?

CHASE typically meets twice a month from Sept. – May at a church in Easton, Pa.  We also hold a Field Day in May at a local park.  In addition, we offer optional field trips and/or service projects typically once a month.